Too much water

Wednesday, 20 February 2008 by Simon Aughton

A great piece on water fadism by Dominic Lawson, brother of “domestic goddess” Nigella. The whole article is well worth reading, but this is my favourite bit:

“She is a self-confessed ‘aquaholic’, drinking up to three litres of water before retiring for the night. Ever since she admitted the fact, ‘alternative’ health writers have claimed that her bladder-testing nightcap is the secret of her lustrous complexion – a typically far-fetched claim by the advocates of ‘8x8’. Nigella is much too sensible to believe this nonsense, attributing her skin-tone instead to a mixture of genetic good fortune and a high dietary fat intake.”

The Independent / Dominic Lawson: Bottled or tap, we drink far too much water

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