It’s not often that I agree with Rupert Murdoch...

Saturday, 20 October 2007 by Simon Aughton

...but even he is more agreeable that the selfish idiots who think they know what we should be allowed to see and hear. Interesting that they don't complain about books - is it because they can't read?

“A note of dissent, however, came from Crystal Madison, representing a body called the Parents TV Council. She complained that prime-time drama series on News Corp's Fox television network showed inappropriate content at peak times, listing several shows as regular offenders - Family Guy, American Dad, Bones and Dirt.

“Ms Madison said there was regular humour about prostitution, masturbation, and infidelity, adding that Bones recently showed a maggot-infested dead body with its feet severed at prime time: ‘Is this entertainment, Mr Murdoch?’

“The News Corp chairman replied that ‘a lot of people think so’, adding: ‘People have a couple of hundred channels to choose from - they don't have to watch this.’”

The Guardian / Murdoch faces investor rebellion

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